Do you love craft beer? Want to get out and see the beautiful state of Colorado? Do you live along the Front Range and want to visit western Colorado breweries, but aren’t sure how to go about it? For those who answered “Yes!” to these questions, this is the fifth article in a series […]
Collaboration Fest 2022
Good Day and Good Beer! The season of beer festivals is back and the opening bell was rung by none other than Collaboration Fest brought to you by the Colorado Brewers Guild. With 100+ beers and 120+ breweries represented, (and 15 of those being out of state collaborators!) this year’s Collab Fest was an incredible […]
Meet Glen Van Aken – Mountain Climbing Beer Geek
Congratulations to Glen Van Aken on completing the quest to visit every currently open Colorado brewery! He has now earned the title of “Colorado Brewery Master,” joining a very small group of beer enthusiasts who have also accomplished this feat. I was introduced to Glen by Paul Myhill (aka Colorado Beer Guy) who by […]
Central Western Colorado Brewery Tour
Note: A complete rewrite of this article is in works due to the addition of Shelter Distilling & Brewing, Pomona Brewing, Silver Basin Brewing, Zuni Brewing West (upcoming), the move of the PUB into Chrysalis Beer, and the closures of San Juan Brews, 2 Rascals, Mad Russian, & Stoik Beer. Do you love craft […]
Meet Paul Myhill – The Colorado Beer Guy
Congratulations to Paul Myhill on completing the quest to visit every currently open Colorado brewery! He has now earned the title of “Colorado Brewery Master,” joining a very small group of beer enthusiasts who have also accomplished this feat. Paul Myhill has made quite the name for himself in the Colorado brewing industry. What he […]
Denver Metro Brewery of the Year 2021
Every year Colorado Brewery List sends out a survey to every Colorado brewery asking them questions about the brewing industry and who among the other breweries in Colorado are their personal favorites. This article is not about who we as Colorado Brewery List picked as our favorites but is about their fellow brewery owners and […]
Northern Colorado Brewery of the Year 2021
Every year Colorado Brewery List sends out a survey to every Colorado brewery asking them questions about the brewing industry and who among the other breweries in Colorado are their personal favorites. This article is not about who we as Colorado Brewery List picked as our favorites but is about their fellow brewery owners and […]
Western Colorado Brewery of the Year 2021
Every year Colorado Brewery List sends out a survey to every Colorado brewery asking them questions about the brewing industry and who among the other breweries in Colorado are their personal favorites. This article is not about who we as Colorado Brewery List picked as our favorites but is about their fellow brewery owners and […]