Soon to occupy the former Deep Draft Brewing space on 17th Avenue at Franklin, Thirsty Monk, the revered beer bar and brewery based in North Carolina, is about to bring its “Belgian-rooted modern ales” a mile high. With plans to open the doors this fall and start serving mid-to-late January, the opening will conveniently coincide […]
On The Trail with Woods Boss Brewing
The trails taken on the way to opening a brewery are as varied as the people who open one: doctors, scientists, teachers, students, counselors, and now, a woods boss. Jordan Fink, co-founder and head brewer of Woods Boss Brewing in the Arapahoe Square neighborhood of downtown Denver, has held several jobs across the years, but […]
Mother Tucker Brewery
Mother Tucker Brewery opened its doors on May 14th 2017 which, not by coincidence, happened to be…you guessed it, Mother’s Day. Owners Deb and Scott Tucker, married for 43 years and counting, started building their dream brewery from eight perfected home brews made in the couple’s kitchen and then in the garage at their home in Thornton […]
Fort Collins Bike Brewery Tour
125 Beers, 19 Breweries, 48 hours – A Fort Collins Bike Brewery Tour Nearly five years ago, I started visiting Colorado breweries my friend, Soren Nicholson. Soren had already been to a bunch of breweries himself through his traveling the state for work. We had a great time visiting breweries here and there along the […]
The Colorado Beer Geek Goes to the 2017 Great American Beer Festival
The Great American Beer Festival (GABF) is the Super Bowl of craft beer. It is an overwhelming experience with about 800 breweries pouring nearly 4,000 beers to 60,000 beer geeks this year. Even though the focus of Colorado Beer Geek is to keep track of Colorado breweries that are yet to open – including […]
Collaborations and Annotations: Our Review of GABF 2017
Autumn in Colorado inevitably brings pumpkin spiced everything, the quest to peep the changing leaves, and a renewed football frenzy. But the most exciting indicator of fall – to us beer connoisseurs at least – is the Great American Beer Festival. And while most beer nerds agree that GABF is the festival of the year, […]
Five Senses, Four Hours, and Thousands of Beers: A Sensory Tour of GABF
Here you are – The Great American Beer Festival. The dull roar from thousands of voices envelops you. You are in the middle of a throng, herded into a lane to wait until the stroke of beer o’clock. Trying not to feel intimidated or anxious, you distract yourself by thinking about your journey ahead and […]
Let’s Talk About Beer Fight Club
The first rule of Beer Fight Club is to definitely talk about Beer Fight Club. This exciting blind-tasting event, which pits some of Colorado’s best craft breweries against one another, is back in action for round four on October 21st from 4:00 – 7:00 pm at Tap Fourteen (1920 Blake Street). This fun competition is […]