For many people 2021 is a year that we hope to soon forget. While in many ways it was a challenging year, in other ways we’ve seen life begin to settle down or fall into a new groove. Fortunately, we’ve seen many great breweries open this year despite the current challenges. 32 Colorado breweries opened […]
Gone But Not Forgotten in 2021
Saying that 2021 has been a challenge would be an understatement. Pandemic or not, sometimes businesses are forced to close their doors. The good news is that there were 32 members in the Colorado Brewery Class of 2021 and only 11* Colorado breweries had to close for various reasons, (only half of the yearly […]
Colorado Breweries Win 21 GABF 2021 Medals!
Congratulations to the 20 Colorado Breweries that brought home 21 medals from the Great American Beer Festival! Our Mutual Friend Brewing won both a Silver and Gold medal! The state of Colorado also swept the American Fruit Beer category thanks to Lone Tree Brewing Company, Great Divide Brewing Co, and Crystal Springs Brewing Co. […]
Colorado Brewery Pride 2021
Happy Pride 2021! The LGBTQ+ community has had a longtime friend in the Colorado brewing industry. Here are some of the Colorado breweries that are proudly showing their support through events, rainbow-themed merch, special beer releases, and an outpouring of love for the entire LGBTQ+ community. This is a living article in which I will […]
Two is Better Than One
Opening any business can be difficult. Then there’s the matter of making it successful. One measure of success can be the demand and desire for a second location. And while in Colorado Springs there are still new breweries opening, we are also seeing a number of established breweries open additional locations to better serve the […]
CO Style Guide: 10 Stouts to Try Before Stout Month is Over
February is Stout Month, when the below-freezing temperatures of winter call for the soft coziness of a nice stout beer. Defined by their dark color, thick body and malty flavor, stouts are a staple European style that has further developed stateside into a wide variety of sub-styles. There are coffee stouts, milk stouts, oatmeal stouts, […]
Colorado Brewery of the Year for 2020
Every year Colorado Brewery List sends out a survey to every Colorado brewery asking them questions about the brewing industry and also who among the other breweries in Colorado are their personal favorites. This article is not about who we as Colorado Brewery List picked as our favorites, (you can see our staff picks here) […]
Colorado Brewery Class of 2020
According to our records here on Colorado Brewery List, there are 29 openings of new locations for Colorado breweries in 2020. Twenty two of them are brand new to the Colorado brewing industry while six are additional locations of currently open breweries. In addition to these are three noteworthy breweries that are included here as […]